
Showing posts from October, 2019

only offers extra adherence

The loser who claims it's just single women wanting a free ride either has questionable people in their life or has no fucking clue. I've also worked with vulnerable young mothers who rely on the public housing system. By no means can anyone describe their life as a "free ride". dildos C. Titles must not contain emoticons, emojis, or special characters unless they are absolutely necessary in describing the image. A few houses down someone placed "Please clean up after your dog" signs but I still see dog poop there too. The introduction of nonintervention to a large portion of the Republican base is a huge win in my opinion, as is the life appointment of Niel Gorsuch whom I consider the most libertarian Supreme Court Justice in American history. However, on the whole even as a more directionalist leaning libertarian, Trump's change of American culture with his embrace of the cult of personality, "fake news", alternative facts, attacking the me